Sunday, July 28, 2013

Assasin's Creed...From the console to the theater!

Assasin's Creed is a recognized video-games franchise that consists of five main games and a number of supporting materials, as of 2013. The games have appeared in several consoles such as PS3, XBOX 360, Windows and Mac OS X, among others. Assasin's creed will now make the jump from the videogaming consoles to the movie theaters in 2013.

Produced by Ubisoft Entertainment, DMC Films and New Regency Pictures, the "Assasin's Creed movie" is expected to hit theaters on June, 19 2015. Currently this promising future blockbuster production is in the stage of treatment/out-line, with the screenplay being adapted by Michael Lesslie.

Assassin's Creed story will be a similar story to that of the video games. The storyline of the movie has already leaked to the audiece, revealing that a bartender is captured by a large corporation and sent into a machine named the animus to relive the memories of his ancestors -- Most of whom are Assassins -- to retrieve powerful and dangerous artifacts. Being loyal to the games story line gives the movie a head start to its already huge fan-base that expect nothing less from this production, that is going to be produced by the same company that produces the videogame.

Sony will be the company that will partner up with Ubisoft to ensure the quality and distribution of the film will be in chage of Fox. Sony has already registered over 12 domains for the film, ensuring that the upcoming film is something more than just a rumour.

When it comes to the cast and crew of the film it is rumoured that the Prometheus star Michael Fassbender will play the role of Desmond Miles (main character) and its going to be produced by Fassbender himself, Frank Marshall and Connoc McCaughan. It is rumored that Ubisoft is also working in other movie adaptations from a videogame, like Splinter Cell, but that remains to be confirmed.

Assassin's Creed 3 videogame trailer.

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